About Me

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Nanaimo, BC, Canada
Hi! I am Bryan Gooden and I am blessed to live in Nanaimo, BC, Canada in the Pacific paradise of Vancouver Island. I have been counselling for almost 30 years while walking on my own journey of self-healing and discovery. My own opening to radiance has dramatically unfolded over the past 10-15 years culminating in my present state of Joy and Abundance in the ever-present Now. While this journey has taken me a lifetime, I have now Awakened to realize that Joy and Abundance are our natural state of Being and I wish to share this realization with those ready for their own Opening to Radiance. Namaste.


There is a poem by gahlil, from her book Professional Dreamer: 6 Simple Steps that turn Dreams into Reality , which I’d like to share with you. This poem resonates strongly with me as it reflects for me the essence of my experience of opening to radiance as well as my inspiration for my private practice, Opening to Radiance Counseling, Coaching and Consulting Services. Thank you gahlil for sharing your radiance.
I now open my heart and mind.
Oh, what I had not seen before rushes my soul,
Filling me with an erupting exuberance.
I open my tingling fingers,
my palms fill with a weighty abundance.
Oh, what I now see.
Divine radiating light,
surrounds me, fills my heart and mind, wells within me.
I see my connection to all things.
I feel all things a part of me.
I am as a beacon.
Everything I could ever want is seeking me now.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Welcome and Expression of Gratitude!

Welcome everyone to my new blog! I am de-Lighted to have the opportunity to share with you my story of Opening to Radiance, an Awakening and coming Home to our natural state of Being, a state of Joy, Love and Abundance in the ever-present Now.

Firstly, I humbly express my gratitude to my family and the many friends and angels who in one way or another have been an integral part of my unfolding...you know who you are and Bless you for sharing your Essence so selflessly and generously...

And now to begin...I know many of you will be wondering what do I mean when I say Opening to Radiance? When I speak of "radiance" I am refering to the radiance of Energy. Everything in the Universe is Energy. Trees, rocks, animals and yes, humans, are all composed of Energy. As a species, we have simply forgotten this because of the limitations of the perceptions of our senses. Energy vibrates at different rates and that of apparently "solid" objects, including humans, simply vibrate at a slower rate and are more dense and stable, taking on the feel and appearance of solidity. As humans, in our apparent solidity, and with the limitations of the perceptions of our senses, we have simply forgotten our divine energetic Essence... our "Radiance"...

Thus the process of Opening to Radiance, is one of re-membering that our Essence is one of Energy, a Divine spark, a Stream of Consciousness flowing from an Ocean of All-That-Is. We exist eternally in the ever-present Now, we are connected to everything, we need never fear lack and our natural state of Being is one of Joy, Love and Abundance... of "Radiance"...

So, how do we go about such a re-membering process? (to be continued)

1 comment:

Karen Cross said...

Bryan, thank you for bringing your gift to all of us. You have much to offer and your "Radiance" will shine like a beacon to bring this out in all those whose lives you touch. I am excited to see the launch of your blog!