About Me

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Nanaimo, BC, Canada
Hi! I am Bryan Gooden and I am blessed to live in Nanaimo, BC, Canada in the Pacific paradise of Vancouver Island. I have been counselling for almost 30 years while walking on my own journey of self-healing and discovery. My own opening to radiance has dramatically unfolded over the past 10-15 years culminating in my present state of Joy and Abundance in the ever-present Now. While this journey has taken me a lifetime, I have now Awakened to realize that Joy and Abundance are our natural state of Being and I wish to share this realization with those ready for their own Opening to Radiance. Namaste.


There is a poem by gahlil, from her book Professional Dreamer: 6 Simple Steps that turn Dreams into Reality , which I’d like to share with you. This poem resonates strongly with me as it reflects for me the essence of my experience of opening to radiance as well as my inspiration for my private practice, Opening to Radiance Counseling, Coaching and Consulting Services. Thank you gahlil for sharing your radiance.
I now open my heart and mind.
Oh, what I had not seen before rushes my soul,
Filling me with an erupting exuberance.
I open my tingling fingers,
my palms fill with a weighty abundance.
Oh, what I now see.
Divine radiating light,
surrounds me, fills my heart and mind, wells within me.
I see my connection to all things.
I feel all things a part of me.
I am as a beacon.
Everything I could ever want is seeking me now.

Friday, January 5, 2007

New Year’s Resolutions? No! Be a C.E.O. of Your Own Life!!!

Are you set to embark on yet another string of New Year’s resolutions destined to be unfulfilled? Making and breaking resolutions can be discouraging. Try something entirely different this year, and every year henceforth! Be a CEO of your own life! Be a Conscious Energy Organizer! How you ask? Easy! With Intentional Dynergetics! ©

Intentional what??? And what does whatever this is have to do with New Year’s resolutions? Intentional Dynergetics! is a term I’ve developed for an exciting process of consciously mobilizing energy through focusing loving intention and dynamically directing energy toward the conscious creation of one’s Highest Desires. So, you might ask, how is this different from our typical New Year’s resolutions?

Typically each year we go through an annual ritual of self-reflection, evaluating our past year and our life in general and determining things which we “resolve” to change for the better. However, in doing so, we are often focused on what we lack, what we’d like more of, something we are unhappy about and would like to change. Eg. “I’d like to lose weight”, or “I’d like to quit smoking” or “I’d like to find my soulmate” and then I’ll be happy. Unfortunately, what most of us don’t realize is that by focusing on lack and on what we are unhappy about we often end up manifesting more of the same. We then get discouraged and say oh well, I gave it my best shot and on we go accepting less than our Highest Desired Reality and, in turn, creating such in our life.

With Intentional Dynergetics! © we can become the CEO of our own life, or the Conscious Energy Organizer! To do so, we don’t focus on lack or what we are unhappy about. Sure, those are clues to briefly consider. VERY BRIEFLY. Then, we catch ourselves and our old way of thinking and we do a taking stock of a different kind. We consciously reflect on what we do have and on what we are grateful for – gratitude has a very high vibration and charges our surrounding energy accordingly. What one focuses attention on always grows larger. It is like we are putting in our order to the Universe and the Universe always delivers. So, let’s get intentional about this. Let’s use the awesome power of loving intention, focus on what we are grateful for and envision with all our heart and mind and action what our Highest Desired Reality looks, sounds, and feels like.. Leave resolution-making and breaking behind and be a CEO of your own life Right Here, Right Now!

Are you ready to turn YOUR DREAMS into REALITY? If so, contact Opening to Radiance Counseling, Coaching and Consulting Services today and we’d be delighted to guide you on your way!